Airways New Zealand

Airways New Zealand is one of the worlds’ leading providers of commercial Air Navigation Services (ANS), responsible for managing all domestic and international air traffic operating within New Zealand’s 37 million square kilometres of airspace. In 2003 Airways was voted the best ANS provider in the world for value for money and quality of service, by the International Aviation Transport Association representing 280 of the world’s airlines. The world’s first fully commercial air traffic management company, Airways currently employs around 680 staff. Airways’ shareholders (on behalf of the Government) are the Ministers for State-Owned Enterprises and Finance.

Airways’ revenue comes from services it provides to airlines and pilots flying into or over New Zealand and from the advice and services it provides to overseas organisations and international business partners. It receives no funding directly from the Government. The company is managed by an independent, commercial Board of Directors, and is in a strong financial position regularly returning significant dividends back to the company’s shareholders. Air Traffic Control comprises the various aircraft navigation and communication systems that use computers, radar, radios, and other instruments and devices to provide guidance to flying aircraft. The goal of air traffic control is to minimise the risk of aircraft collisions while maximising the number of aircraft that can fly safely at the same time.

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