Blue Dart Aviation Limited

Blue Dart Aviation Limited is a public limited Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at Mumbai and head office at Chennai, operates B737-200 and B757-200 freighters. Blue Dart is a leader in the domestic air express market specializing in time-definite scheduled freight services for overnight next day delivery of Express and Cargo Loads. Blue Dart has maintained excellent safety standards over the years with nil accident on record since 1997. Frequent Audits and transparency amongst the departments is the key to this aspect.

Blue Dart is the only jet express airline in India.Blue Dart, South Asias premier courier and integrated express package Distribution Company, positioning, since inception, has been of differentiation. Adhering to this, it introduced a robust cargo airline infrastructure in 1996, and for over a decade, has been the nations sole successful freighter operator. Today, it is an irreplaceable part of the supply chain for key market players like DELL, Citibank, HSBC, Nokia, and HCL etc.Blue Dart operates Seven freighters (four Boeing 757 and three Boeing 737), supported by sophisticated security systems and x-ray machines.

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